Living Creatively

I have been busy at the "Stitches and Craft Show", it was great experience. I exhibited my bags and fabrics in the Living Creatively area . Here is a picture of my stall.I meet some other crafters and designers of all sorts. From childrens toy designers, fabric designers through to homeware creaters. Check out there blogs Cheekybeaks, Dandi , tuttifruiti, audrey and maude,and mixtape. It was very exciting when "The Kerry Anne Morning Show", stopped by to interview us all and do a segment of our products on channel 10 .
It was great to see and meet people who had seen the show and thank you for all coming out to visit.


Cathy said...

Hi Bettina - how are you going? It was so good to meet you and now I have found your blog! Hope you did well at the show - I have bookmarked you now!

Anonymous said...

great stand